Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Grandma would be sooooo proud...

My Grandma Scott taught me how to do most things with a needle. I would spend hours sewing buttons on fabric. (She would cut them all off for me to do it the next time!) She had soooo much patience teaching me things while I was so little for them. I know she is the reason I love all kinds of needles. Grandma was the first person that taught me how to crochet. I love to crochet, I still think it is easier than knitting. It's like second nature to me. My kids are so used to seeing me with some sort of project, that sometimes I worry that they will have no interest in the things I love. So... you can imagine how excited I was this week when MiaLeigh FINALLY asked me to teach her how to crochet. Well...whatever big sister does, Brighton thinks she can do too! (surprisingly, she usually can) I had to snap a picture of their "chains". MiaLeigh is chaining with the same crochet hook my Grandma gave me when I was 6 years old. Brighton is chaining with her fingers exactly how Grandma taught me when I was too young for a hook. Everyday I wish my Grandma was still around to see my kids. I know she would get a kick out of their spunky attitudes! I'm pretty sure she is beaming with pride today where ever she is!!!

1 comment:

Trent Humphreys family said...

I remember you teaching me how to crochet way back in the day....It involved riding in the back of a green pickup with a shell and carpet kit, listening to Chris Ledoux over and over again on our way to and from Jackson. You were bound and determined to make me like country music and it worked!