Saturday, December 6, 2008

The PRINCESS is finally four!

Brighton Hannah Summers (Super-hero Princess). Where do I start with Nanna? Well, I'll start at the beginning. Nanna is named after my Grandma Hannah Hazel Scott. As I've mentioned before, she was my favorite person ever and I think about her every day. I think my Grandma must have had a very hard time letting her go from heaven, because Nan was VERY hard to get here. I wasn't sure if she would ever be mine! I knew there was a Hannah somewhere for me...I kept fighting and fighting and after many, many miscarriages I became pregnant with my Hannah. I felt instantly at peace because I knew this one would be okay. I sang to her everyday while she grew in me. I knew she was a girl, I never even doubted it. I even knew her name was Hannah. Then I dreamed about a beautiful light haired, hazel eyed little girl named Brighton. I knew that this was my baby and that her name was supposed to be Brighton Hannah. From the minute she was born I called her Nanna. She isn't just Brighton to me. She's my Hannah. But her name fits her...she "brightens" up the room the minute she dances in. And yes, she doesn't walk, she dances. She loves everything girly, doesn't realize that little girls can't always do what big sisters do. (She does it any way!) She loves make-up, dressing up, and changing clothes (about 10 times a day!) There are just not enough accessories in the world for Nanna. The world just doesn't move fast enough and you can see the curiousness in her eyes. She refuses to leave the house without lip gloss. (I tell her every day she is too pretty for everything except lip gloss!) She is every little bit feminine that I am lacking. It is just a part of who she is and I LOVE it. She will share anything, loves babies, wants to help do everything and hates to clean her room. She says it isn't mess, it's just her stuff. (Where do you think she came up with that?) Nanna is always good for a snuggle, she comes and climbs in our bed every morning (If she ever makes it out the night before!) Nanna doesn't look a thing like me, but she processes things the same way I do, and I believe she inherited my ability to see beauty everywhere. She gets so excited over things that I don't always see and she helps me to see them too. I love the world through Nanna's eyes. Nanna doesn't have an ounce of stage fright, loves to be the center of attention and I know she will do great things in her own time. I am thankful everyday that I kept trying, it was worth absolutely everything. I love you Brighton Hannah! Happy 4th Birthday!

1 comment:

Kellie said...

HAPPY Birthday my little friend! on the way home the other day, wy made the comment of how "Nanna looked really pretty today mom, with her hair in a clip, and her cowboy boots"..
Wow time does go by fast!
She is Totally a princess.