Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Little House on the Prairie. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. Every winter I read my boxed set of Little House books. They are well loved, they are bent, wrinkled, (yes, my only vacation is reading in the bathtub until wee hours!) and stained with Mountain Dew. I still love them. They are so descriptive you can just smell the corn cakes, and hear the rain drops. Parts of these books still bring tears to my eyes.
Yesterday, I gave my beloved Little House in the Big Woods to MiaLeigh to read. I tried patiently to explain why I love these books. In an age of cell phones and computers, I constantly wish for their simple life. Life was hard, but people knew how to work hard using their own hands. Family came first, always. There was no choice but to have meals around the table, and everyone was greatful for whatever food was placed in front of them. People were proud of everything they had. (Most of it was handmade.) Kids knew how to entertain themselves outside in the sunshine. Mama's created beautiful handmade quilts and dresses, and handknit socks, all filled with love because they were meant to keep her precious family warm. Shoes were only a necessity special occasions. Oh, I really do think I was born in the wrong time...


Kellie said...

Ok I loved reading this blog, as I was reading I had so many memories of these books come to mind, I too loved those books, and wish life was like those simple times..
Except for the whole washing laundry with a washboard, and that soap that didnt smell so good..

Trent Humphreys family said...

Ok, so I'm not a big reader of books but I loved the show. In fact, I still watch the re-runs now and again. I loved this post...I wish times were simpler. I want my kids to realize how much they really do have and be grateful for it instead of wanting more. Maybe one day....